IP Options for Protecting and Marketing Traditional Textiles

There are many unique and popular traditional textile products being produced by Indigenous groups around the world. Often, these products are made, marketed and sold by Indigenous or Indigenous-affiliated organizations without a solid understanding of intellectual...

Role of Technology Transfer in Economic Development

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 27, 2001 Contact: Brad Huther 202/544-6610 bhuther@iipi.org Institute Preparing to Host International Conference on Role of Technology Transfer in Economic Development Washington, DC – The International Intellectual Property Institute...

IIPI in the News

This page contains articles or interviews where IIPI is either mentioned or an IIPI team member is cited. Concern Arises Over Proposed Pan-African IP Organization August 30, 2007 Intellectual Property Watch www.ip-watch.org “Other observers also have the...

IIPI Chairman Speaks at IP Congress and Roundtable in Colombia

Both Events Draws Policymakers from the IP Community The International Intellectual Property Institute’s Chairman Bruce A. Lehman, was invited to speak by the Center for Intellectual Property Studies at the Universidad Externado at its annual Congress on Intellectual...