Development Program Launched to Increase Awareness of Intellectual Property as Mechanism to Advance Commercialization in Thailand
Washington, DC IIPI completed the first phase of its national IP development and management-training program in Thailand this week. In partnership with the Kenan Institute Asia (KIAsia) and Thailand’s National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), IIPI experts initiated a program designed to increase awareness and understanding of intellectual property and its commercialization and economic potential for Thailand’s nascent biotech industry.

“The long term objective of IIPI’s program,” says IIPI President Bruce A. Lehman, “is to develop a core group of expert IPR commercialization officers who will have the capacity to provide IPR management training, marketing and consulting services to Thai SMEs.”

The first phase of this project included a review of Thailand’s existing IP infrastructure and an assessment of economic and social conditions impacting the nation’s biotech industry. After completing a roadmap for the industry and developing a program of IP entrepreneurship training, IIPI’s team will return to Thailand to train additional IP associates, facilitate an industry-training course, and present and publicize the IPR roadmap.

“Thailand’s national laboratories are very impressive,” noted IIPI senior consultant Michael Ryan upon return from his recent trip to Bangkok. “We look forward to continuing our work with the Thais to assist them in reaping benefits from bioentrepreneuriship through a strengthened intellectual property system.”